Weekly Bugfix Snapshot —March 29

Weekly Bugfix Snapshot —March 29

When it comes to bug bounties, projects play a more than essential role in safeguarding the web3 ecosystem. By establishing bug bounty programs and diligently reviewing reports, they motivate whitehats to identify and disclose vulnerabilities, averting possible threats.

Along with whitehats, they are our top partners in preventing theft and ensuring a safer web3 for all.

Let’s celebrate some of their recent security wins!

Deri Protocol

Deri Protocol is a decentralized protocol that allows its users to trade derivatives. Their wins:

  • Fixed a signature replay attack that could cause forced liquidation.
  • Funds saved: $91k
  • Whitehat: riptide
  • Bounty paid: $20,000


NFTX is a platform for making composible and fungible ERC20 tokens that are backed by NFT collectibles. Their wins:

  • Fixed a business logic error which could lead to permanent freezing of funds.
  • Funds saved: not known
  • Whitehat: shadowHunter
  • Bounty paid: $9,998