Bitcoin SV
Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV) was created to restore the original Satoshi protocol, keep it stable, and enable it to massively scale. Unlike other Bitcoin projects, only Bitcoin SV has the plan for a stable protocol and plan for massive on-chain scaling to become the world’s new money and the global public blockchain for enterprise.
PoC required
KYC required
Not all of https://github.com/bitcoin-sv/bitcoin-sv is considered in-scope of the bug bounty program. Please note the following details with regards to what is in-scope and what is out-of-scope:
Branches in scope:
master branch most recently updated branch with prefix: rc-* branches prefixed with: review-*
Branches out of scope:
branches prefixed with: dev-, exp- or research-* branches suffixed with: *-beta all other branches not specified as in scope
If you believe that your bug report that covers a branch in scope is critical and wish to use a secure method of communication, please see our PGP key at the bottom.
The scope is further limited to those Operating Systems & hardware platforms for which binaries are released by the Bitcoin SV Node implementation team. Any external code in the GitHub link is out-of-scope.