At Integral we build on-chain trading products and tools to rival those of centralized exchanges. Our mission is to serve DeFi users who care about self-custody, decentralization, security, and financial usability. Integral SIZE is a TWAP based DEX with zero price impact swaps on Ethereum. In addition, traders enjoy a MEV-resistant and low-fee trading experience.
PoC required
KYC required
Rewards by Threat Level
Mainnet assets:
Reward amount is 10% of the funds directly affected up to a maximum of:
$25,000Rewards are distributed according to the impact of the vulnerability based on the Immunefi Vulnerability Severity Classification System V2.2. This is a simplified 5-level scale, with separate scales for websites/apps and smart contracts/blockchains, encompassing everything from consequence of exploitation to privilege required to likelihood of a successful exploit.
All bug reports must come with a PoC with an end-effect impacting an asset-in-scope in order to be considered for a reward. Explanations and statements are not accepted as PoC and code is required. All bug reports without a PoC will not be accepted under this bug bounty program.
The final reward for critical bounty payouts is capped at 10% of economic damage up to USD 25 000, primarily based on the funds at risk, at the discretion of the team. However, the minimum reward is USD 10 000.
Repeatable Attack Limitations
In cases of repeatable attacks for smart contract bugs, only the first attack will be counted, regardless of whether the smart contract is upgradable, pausable, or killable.
The following scenarios are not eligible for a reward:
- Exploits that require access to the admin keys
- Cases involving risks of losses to the pools in case the assets in the pools decrease in price
- Cases involving risks of impermanent losses in the pools
- Exploits or arbitrages which are not economically practical to execute
- Exploits or arbitrages which rely on predicting future price movements, and/or price differentials between either the delay or the relayer contract, and other on-chain or off-chain venues regardless of whether it is realistic to execute such exploits or arbitrages.
- Cases involving dynamic pool ratios due to the nature of the design
- Cases involving dynamic pool ratios due to the nature of the design including but not limited to large changes of pool ratios due to orderflow, temporary guardrail pauses on LP withdrawal when pool ratios are extremely skewed.
- Exploits due to issues with hosting providers which cannot be fixed by changing any configuration on our side will be given an Informational classification or lower, these exploits should be reported using the bug bounty program of the hosting providers instead
Payouts are handled by the Integral team directly and are denominated in USD. However, payouts are done in DAI, USDT, USDC, ETH, or ITGR, at the discretion of the team.
Program Overview
At Integral we build on-chain trading products and tools to rival those of centralized exchanges. Our mission is to serve DeFi users who care about self-custody, decentralization, security, and financial usability. Integral SIZE is a TWAP based DEX with zero price impact swaps on Ethereum. In addition, traders enjoy a MEV-resistant and low-fee trading experience. Further information about Integral can be found here https://docs.integral.link.
The bug bounty program is focused around its smart contracts and is mostly concerned with:
- Direct theft of any user funds from smart contracts, whether at-rest or in-motion
- Loss of user funds through freezing, theft, manipulation of the pools, or denial of service to smart contracts.
KYC required
The submission of KYC information is a requirement for payout processing.
Proof of Concept
Proof of concept is always required for all severities.
Prohibited Activities
- Any testing on mainnet or public testnet deployed code; all testing should be done on local-forks of either public testnet or mainnet
- Any testing with pricing oracles or third-party smart contracts
- Attempting phishing or other social engineering attacks against our employees and/or customers
- Any testing with third-party systems and applications (e.g. browser extensions) as well as websites (e.g. SSO providers, advertising networks)
- Any denial of service attacks that are executed against project assets
- Automated testing of services that generates significant amounts of traffic
- Public disclosure of an unpatched vulnerability in an embargoed bounty
- Any other actions prohibited by the Immunefi Rules
Feasibility Limitations
The project may be receiving reports that are valid (the bug and attack vector are real) and cite assets and impacts that are in scope, but there may be obstacles or barriers to executing the attack in the real world. In other words, there is a question about how feasible the attack really is. Conversely, there may also be mitigation measures that projects can take to prevent the impact of the bug, which are not feasible or would require unconventional action and hence, should not be used as reasons for downgrading a bug's severity.
Therefore, Immunefi has developed a set of feasibility limitation standards which by default states what security researchers, as well as projects, can or cannot cite when reviewing a bug report.