Letting whitehats rescue user funds during a blackhat attack is scary.

Immunefi helps you create a Safe Harbor system to do this safely, easily, and responsibly.

Immunefi provides the only form of secure Safe Harbor for whitehacks on the market.

What is Safe Harbor?

Safe Harbor is a legal framework developed by the Security Alliance (SEAL) for protocols to empower whitehat security researchers to rescue protocol funds during a blackhat attack and redirect those funds back to a protocol-controlled Vault on Immunefi in exchange for up to 60% of the project’s max critical reward.

Immunefi provides a safe, easy, and responsible setup for expanding your bug bounty program to include Safe Harbor, which uses a more legally strict form of the Security Alliance's Safe Harbor Agreement on top of our existing bug bounty dashboard and emergency alerting infrastructure.

Why Safe Harbor?

Projects need a way to minimize harm during an active blackhat exploit as fast as possible. With the Safe Harbor Agreement, the whitehat security community can intervene to mitigate blackhat theft.

Whitehats need legal protections and financial incentives to justify taking the risk to protect your protocol; the Safe Harbor Agreement provides those.

The Safe Harbor Agreement only covers cases of active exploitation by blackhat hackers, and expressly forbids all other hacking activity, so that the risk of using Safe Harbor is minimized.

Immunefi Safe Harbor Benefits

  1. Plug and Play

    Immunefi Safe Harbor uses our existing bug report dashboard, allowing projects to leverage the same emergency alert system and security personnel they’re already comfortable with. Setup can be as easy as answering a few questions.
  2. Maximal Awareness

    Does Safe Harbor make a difference if no one ever knows about it? With Immunefi Safe Harbor, the entire security community will be aware and ready to act, should you ever need the help.
  3. Safe and Responsible

    Immunefi has been the leading provider for last-lines-of-defense to onchain protocols under the most demanding conditions. Safe Harbor is a natural extension of Immunefi’s bug bounty programs, and our stricter Safe Harbor legal agreement will put you at ease.

Ready to get started?

Let us know if you’d like to implement Immunefi Safe Harbor for your project.