

AMKT is a fully backed market index, providing exposure to a market-cap weighted basket of assets, to be reconstituted quarterly.

Asset Management
Maximum Bounty
Live Since
02 November 2023
Last Updated
18 November 2024
  • PoC required

  • Vault program

VaultImmunefi vault program

Funds available


30d Avg. Funds availability


Assets in vault

  • 4.3k  USDC,
  • 100.00  AMKT

Public vault address



Alongside provides rewards in USDC, AMKT on Ethereum, denominated in USD.

Rewards by Threat Level

Smart Contract
Max: $150,000Min: $10,000
Primacy of Impact
Max: $10,000Min: $2,500
Primacy of Impact
Critical Reward Calculation

Mainnet assets:

Reward amount is 10% of the funds directly affected up to a maximum of:


Minimum reward to discourage security researchers from withholding a bug report:


Rewards are distributed according to the impact the vulnerability could otherwise cause based on the Impacts in Scope table further below.

Reward Calculation for Critical Level Reports

For critical Smart Contract bugs, the reward amount is 10% of the funds directly affected up to a maximum of USD 150,000. The calculation of the amount of funds at risk is based on the time and date the bug report is submitted. However, a minimum reward of USD 10,000 is to be rewarded in order to incentivize security researchers against withholding a bug report.
Reward Calculation for High Level Reports

High smart contract vulnerabilities will be capped at up to 100% of the funds affected. In the event of temporary freezing and permanent freezing of funds, the reward doubles for every additional 300 blocks that the funds or NFTs could be temporarily frozen, rounded down to the nearest multiple of 300, up to the hard cap of USD 10,000. However, a minimum reward of USD 2,500 is to be rewarded in order to incentivize security researchers against withholding a bug report. For “Manipulation of governance voting result deviating from voted outcome and resulting in a direct change from intended effect of original results” impact, a fixed reward of USD 10,000 will apply.

Public Disclosure of Known Issues

Bug reports covering previously-discovered bugs acknowledged below are not eligible for any reward through the bug bounty program.

  • Cannot Support atypical ERC20s
  • Trusted Authority Role (Timelock)
  • Trusted Authority Role (Multisig)
  • Trusted Authority Role (Emergency Responder)
  • Trusted Bounty Poster / Oracle
  • Assumes Bounty has been checked for correctness: duplicates/includes all underlying
  • Rebalance will have some slippage because of the delay in computing the nominals and it being fulfilled. This means if the price of the tokens going out are less than the price of the tokens going in, it's on the person fulfilling the bounty to cover this. In other words this trade may not easily be profitable.
  • Governance has not executed any proposals yet, including the one to accept ownership of vault. This can be ignored.
  • Rounding in tryInflation will cause drift between vault balance and nominal calculation
  • tryInflation can be sandwiched to skirt fees (or profit, if there are AMKT lending markets)
  • AMKT is limited as a governance token, creating centralization risks for users
  • Ownership transfer risks in migration process
  • Delay in rebalancing process could lead to exploitation
  • Protocol governance initially has low token delegation
  • Bounty fulfillments may arbitrarily update the precision of the total basket of tokens
  • setInflationRate will apply the rate retroactively

Previous Audits

Alongside has provided these completed audit review reports for reference. Any unfixed vulnerability mentioned in these reports are not eligible for a reward.

Proof of Concept (PoC) Requirements

A PoC is required for the following severity levels:

  • Smart Contract, Critical
  • Smart Contract, High

All PoCs submitted must comply with the Immunefi-wide PoC Guidelines and Rules. Bug report submissions without a PoC when a PoC is required will not be provided with a reward.

Reward Payment Terms

Payouts are handled by the Alongside team directly and are denominated in USD. However, payments are done in USDC and AMKT. The payout ratio will be 50% in USDC and 50% in AMKT.

The calculation of the net amount rewarded is based on the average price between and at the time the bug report was submitted. No adjustments are made based on liquidity availability. For avoidance of doubt, if the reward amount is USD 5 000 and the average price is USD 1.75 per token, then the reward will be 2857.142857 units of that token.

Program Overview

AMKT is a fully backed market index, providing exposure to a market-cap weighted basket of assets, to be reconstituted quarterly.

AMKT is currently live

The next iteration of AMKT moves custody on chain. Relying on Vault to custody underlying assets, and on token governance to submit accurate bounties for the next set of underlying assets.

For more information about Alongside, please visit

Alongside provides rewards in USDC and AMKT. For more details about the payment process, please view the Rewards by Threat Level section further below.

Primacy of Impact vs Primacy of Rules

Alongside adheres to the Primacy of Impact for the following severity levels:

  • Smart Contract, Critical
  • Smart Contract, High

If a category’s severity level is covered within the Primacy of Impact, it means that even if the impacted asset is not in-scope but is owned by the project, then it would be considered as in-scope of the bug bounty program as long as it involves an impact under that respective severity level. When submitting a report, just select the Primacy of Impact asset placeholder. If the team behind this project has multiple projects, those other projects are not covered under the Primacy of Impact of this program. Instead, check if those other projects have a bug bounty program on Immunefi.

Testnet and mock files are not covered under the Primacy of Impact.

All other severity levels not listed here are considered under the Primacy of Rules, which means that they are bound by the terms of the bug bounty program.

Invoicing Information

If needed by the security researcher, Alongside is able to provide the necessary information for the proper issuance of an invoice. This includes:

  • Registered Name
  • Registered Address

KYC not required

No KYC information is required for payout processing.

Proof of Concept

Proof of concept is always required for all severities.

Responsible Publication

Category 3: Approval Required

Prohibited Activities

Default prohibited activities
  • Any testing on mainnet or public testnet deployed code; all testing should be done on local-forks of either public testnet or mainnet
  • Any testing with pricing oracles or third-party smart contracts
  • Attempting phishing or other social engineering attacks against our employees and/or customers
  • Any testing with third-party systems and applications (e.g. browser extensions) as well as websites (e.g. SSO providers, advertising networks)
  • Any denial of service attacks that are executed against project assets
  • Automated testing of services that generates significant amounts of traffic
  • Public disclosure of an unpatched vulnerability in an embargoed bounty
  • Any other actions prohibited by the Immunefi Rules

Feasibility Limitations

The project may be receiving reports that are valid (the bug and attack vector are real) and cite assets and impacts that are in scope, but there may be obstacles or barriers to executing the attack in the real world. In other words, there is a question about how feasible the attack really is. Conversely, there may also be mitigation measures that projects can take to prevent the impact of the bug, which are not feasible or would require unconventional action and hence, should not be used as reasons for downgrading a bug's severity.

Therefore, Immunefi has developed a set of feasibility limitation standards which by default states what security researchers, as well as projects, can or cannot cite when reviewing a bug report.

Min. - Max.
$10k -$150k
$2.5k -$10k
30d Avg. Funds Availability
Total Assets in Scope