Arbitrum is a suite of scaling solutions for Ethereum developed by Offchain Labs that drastically reduces costs and latency. Arbitrum One is an "Optimistic Rollup", which instantly scales apps, reducing costs and increasing capacity, without sacrificing Ethereum's security. Arbitrum validators optimistically post updates to Ethereum, and the protocol uses an interactive fraud proof mechanism to resolve any disputes efficiently with a minimal on-chain footprint.
PoC required
KYC required
Select the category you'd like to explore
Assets in Scope
Impacts in Scope
In addition to the versions of these smart contracts on GitHub, this bug bounty also covers the deployments of these contracts presently in use by the Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova networks to the extent that any vulnerability impacts said networks (e.g. if only Arbitrum One's deployment had out of date vulnerable code relating to the Data Availability Service which is not enabled on Arbitrum One and this made the vulnerability unusable to harm Arbitrum One, it would not be in scope). This bug bounty also covers any upgrades to those in scope deployments which have been scheduled by a passed on-chain constitutional DAO vote or the non-emergency security council multisig, as long as that action is currently waiting in the L2 governance timelock, the bridge to L1, or the L1 governance timelock (i.e. it has passed and is set to go through, and has not been canceled).
Direct theft of any user funds, whether at-rest or in-motion
Permanent freezing of funds (cannot be fixed by upgrade)
Any inputs to the state transition function that trigger an unexpected result, and that affects the whole network, not limited to a single node (excluding RPC inputs)
Permanent freezing of funds (can be fixed by upgrade)
Bugs relating to reorgs
Damage relating to withdrawing funds via fast bridges
Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks that cause network-wide outages (attacks that only take down the RPC do not count)
Smart contract unable to operate due to lack of funds
Block stuffing for profit
Griefing (e.g. no profit motive for an attacker, but damage to the users or the protocol)
Theft of gas
Out of scope
Changes or bugs found or related to Tutorials maintained by Offchain Labs
Changes or bugs regarding the arbitrum-sdk
Inconsistencies found between documentation and smart contracts and other blockchain code
Best practice critiques
Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks that only affects some nodes, or cause only some nodes to crash
Problems caused by L1 Gas Pricing
Issues that affect geth and are not caused by changes made in the Nitro implementation
Issues that affect Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova will be treated as a single issue, and a report of the same issue with the only difference being the network will be treated as a duplicate.
Smart Contract specific
- Incorrect data supplied by third party oracles
- Not to exclude oracle manipulation/flash loan attacks
- Impacts requiring basic economic and governance attacks (e.g. 51% attack)
- Lack of liquidity impacts
- Impacts from Sybil attacks
- Impacts involving centralization risks
All categories
- Impacts requiring attacks that the reporter has already exploited themselves, leading to damage
- Impacts caused by attacks requiring access to leaked keys/credentials
- Impacts caused by attacks requiring access to privileged addresses (including, but not limited to: governance and strategist contracts) without additional modifications to the privileges attributed
- Impacts relying on attacks involving the depegging of an external stablecoin where the attacker does not directly cause the depegging due to a bug in code
- Mentions of secrets, access tokens, API keys, private keys, etc. in Github will be considered out of scope without proof that they are in-use in production
- Best practice recommendations
- Feature requests
- Impacts on test files and configuration files unless stated otherwise in the bug bounty program
- Impacts requiring phishing or other social engineering attacks against project's employees and/or customers