Mars Protocol
Mars Protocol consists of a money market, called Red Bank, and a generalized credit primitive called Credit Accounts. Mars Protocol utilizes a so-called hub and outpost topology, whereby its base, Mars Hub - - which is an instance of DAO on Neutron is the command center for Mars outposts. Each outpost can consist of instances of Red Bank and/or Credit Accounts.
PoC required
Assets in scope are as follows:
- Osmosis Mars Outpost contracts
- Neutron Mars Outpost contracts
Mars Outposts related smart contracts deployed onto the Osmosis and Neutron blockchains can be found at
If an impact can be caused to any other asset managed by Mars Hub or its Osmosis outpost,that isn’t on this table but for which the impact is in the Impacts in Scope section below, you are encouraged to submit it for consideration by the project.