Morpho is an immutable overcollateralized lending protocol with permissionless market creation. It implements independent lending markets, which are simple lending pools with only one collateral asset and one borrowable asset, priced through an oracle. The interest rate is given by an immutable interest rate model (IRM). Each pool is characterized by a predefined Liquidation Loan-to-Value (LLTV).
Triaged by Immunefi
PoC required
KYC required
Arbitration enabled
Morpho’s codebase can be found at https://github.com/morpho-org. Documentation and further resources can be found on https://docs.morpho.org/.
The following list of contract names are Morpho Blue contracts:
- Smart Contract - Morpho Blue
- Smart Contract - Adaptive Curve Irm
- Smart Contract - Morpho Chainlink Oracle V2 Factory
- Smart Contract - Market Rewards Program Registry
- Smart Contract - Rewards Emission Data Provider
- Smart Contract - Public Allocator
- Smart Contract - PreLiquidation
- Smart Contract - Universal Rewards Distributor Factory
- Smart Contract - Universal Rewards Distributor
- Smart Contract - Bundler3
- Smart Contract - EthereumBundlerV2
- Smart Contract - EthereumBundler
- Smart Contract - AaveV2MigrationBundler
- Smart Contract - AaveV3MigrationBundler
- Smart Contract - AaveV3OptimizerMigrationBundler
- Smart Contract - CompoundV2MigrationBundler
- Smart Contract - CompoundV3MigrationBundler
- Smart Contract - ChainAgnosticBundlerV2
- Smart Contract - CompoundV2MigrationBundlerV2
- Smart Contract - AaveV3MigrationBundlerV2
The contract listed is a MetaMorpho contract:
- Smart Contract - MetaMorpho Factory v1.0
- Smart Contract - MetaMorpho Factory v1.1
The following list of contract names are Morpho’s Optimizer contracts:
- Smart Contract - Morpho Proxy (Compound)
- Smart Contract - Morpho (Compound)
- Smart Contract - PositionsManager (Compound)
- Smart Contract - InterestRatesManager (Compound)
- Smart Contract - RewardsManager Proxy (Compound)
- Smart Contract - RewardsManager (Compound)
- Smart Contract - Morpho Proxy (AaveV2)
- Smart Contract - Morpho (AaveV2)
- Smart Contract - EntryPositionsManager (AaveV2)
- Smart Contract - ExitPositionsManager (AaveV2)
- Smart Contract - InterestRatesManager (AaveV2)
- Smart Contract - Morpho Proxy (AaveV3 ETH eMode)
- Smart Contract - Morpho (AaveV3 ETH eMode)
- Smart Contract - PositionsManager (AaveV3 ETH eMode)
- Smart Contract - ma3WETH Vault Proxy
- Smart Contract - ma3WETH Vault
- Smart Contract - Morpho Admin (DAO)
- Smart Contract - Delay Modifier (DAO)
- Smart Contract - Role Modifier (DAO)
- Smart Contract - Morpho Token (DAO)
- Smart Contract - Operator (DAO)