Neo is a distributed network which utilizes blockchain technology and digital identity to digitize assets and automate the management of digital assets using smart contracts. Neo network has two tokens, NEO representing the right to manage Neo blockchain and GAS representing the right to use the Neo Blockchain.
PoC required
KYC required
Select the category you'd like to explore
Assets in Scope
Impacts in Scope
Issues leading to severe asset loss
Issues leading to total network failure
Single node failure
Any other low (OWASP) issue
Out of scope
The level of feedback on its website and social media channels. Rewards will be distributed within three (3) days following the official announcement. Neo reserves the right to the final interpretation of the event.
To finally achieve the self-worthy reward the submitters should abide by the following event rules:
- Only issues related to stability and security with design and implementation are within the scope, vulnerabilities with the Neo website and related infrastructure on the Neo blockchain are out of the scope. Find more details at the Scope of Vulnerability Bounty Program.
- Submitted reports should contain detailed reproduction procedures, in the absence of which, the reports will be excluded from the rewarding list. The more detailed the proof of vulnerabilities and the descriptions are, the higher your reward will be.
- For those who report the same vulnerability, the reward goes to whoever comes first.
- Serial vulnerabilities caused by one vulnerability will be considered as one vulnerability, e.g., a series of computing errors caused by data overflow.
Blockchain/DLT specific
- Incorrect data supplied by third party oracles
- Not to exclude oracle manipulation/flash loan attacks
- Impacts requiring basic economic and governance attacks (e.g. 51% attack)
- Lack of liquidity impacts
- Impacts from Sybil attacks
- Impacts involving centralization risks
All categories
- Impacts requiring attacks that the reporter has already exploited themselves, leading to damage
- Impacts caused by attacks requiring access to leaked keys/credentials
- Impacts caused by attacks requiring access to privileged addresses (including, but not limited to: governance and strategist contracts) without additional modifications to the privileges attributed
- Impacts relying on attacks involving the depegging of an external stablecoin where the attacker does not directly cause the depegging due to a bug in code
- Mentions of secrets, access tokens, API keys, private keys, etc. in Github will be considered out of scope without proof that they are in-use in production
- Best practice recommendations
- Feature requests
- Impacts on test files and configuration files unless stated otherwise in the bug bounty program
- Impacts requiring phishing or other social engineering attacks against project's employees and/or customers