NFTX is a protocol for wrapping similar-value NFTs into fungible ERC20 "vTokens" and incentivizing liquid markets for those vTokens, which, in turn, creates liquid markets for the NFTs.
Triaged by Immunefi
PoC required
Vault program
Finding More Assets in Scope
NFTX vaults and UniswapV3 pools are permissionlessly deployed as BeaconProxies.
The following functions can be called to obtain a list of smart contract addresses that are currently in Production and that are covered by the program:
NFTXVaultFactoryUpgradeableV3 allVaults()
Lists all NFTX vaults. This function returns an array of vault addresses managed by the NFTX Vault Factory. -
UniswapV3FactoryUpgradeable getPool() Queries the UniswapV3 pool for a specific token pair. It takes two token addresses and fee as inputs and returns the address of the pool