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Threshold Network

Threshold is the first ever on-chain merge between two existing networks and communities, Keep and NuCypher. The Threshold Network provides a suite of threshold cryptography products that power user sovereignty on the public blockchain. Threshold cryptography distributes sensitive operations across multiple independent entities, like nodes in a network. A successful operation requires a threshold or a minimum number of entities to cooperate.

Crosschain Liquidity
Synthetic Assets
Maximum Bounty
Live Since
28 April 2023
Last Updated
03 December 2024
  • PoC required

Impacts only apply to assets in active use by the project like contracts on mainnet or web/app assets used in production. Any impact that applies to assets not in active use, like test or mock files, are out-of-scope of the bug bounty program unless explicitly mentioned as in-scope.

All reports must be submitted in English.

Smart Contracts


  • Web/App - Bug reports are to include a runnable Proof of Concept (PoC) in order to prove impact.
  • All web/app bug reports must come with a PoC with an end-effect impacting an asset-in-scope in order to be considered for a reward. All PoC content must adhere to the PoC guidelines and rules of Immunefi. In the event that a PoC requires an attack on a web/app asset provided, they must still adhere to the rules provided, otherwise eligibility for a reward may be revoked.
  • For more information on PoCs please visit: Proof of Concept (PoC) Guidelines and Rules
  • All codes of Threshold Network can be found at:

Whitehats are highly encouraged to review any potential subdomains and what specific port(s) are in scope. Even though the domain may be the same, different ports may point to different assets.

Dev Environment and Documentation

Threshold Network has included dev documentation and/or instructions to help in reviewing code and exploring for bugs:

Impacts to other assets

For the purposes of determining report validity, this is a Primacy of Rules program. However, hackers are encouraged to submit issues outside of the outlined Impacts and Assets in Scope.

If whitehats can demonstrate a critical impact on code in production for an asset not in scope, Threshold Network encourages you to submit your bug report and it will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Impacts in Scope

Impacts are based on the Immunefi Vulnerability Severity Classification System V2.3.

At Immunefi, we classify bugs on a simplified 4-level scale:

  • Critical
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low