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Trader Joe

Trader Joe is a leading DEX on Avalanche, Arbitrum and BNB Chain. Its latest version, V2 aka the Liquidity Book, is a novel concentrated liquidity AMM that discretises price into constant sum price bins. In addition, its novel architecture includes a variable fee component based on volatility that is measured from its internal volatility oracle.

Maximum Bounty
Live Since
12 May 2023
Last Updated
08 April 2024
  • PoC required

Resources & Documentation

Impacts only apply to assets in active use by the project like contracts on mainnet or web/app assets used in production. Any impact that applies to assets not in active use, like test or mock files, are out-of-scope of the bug bounty program unless explicitly mentioned as in-scope.

Smart Contracts

Whitehats are highly encouraged to review any potential subdomains and what specific port(s) are in scope. Even though the domain may be the same, different ports may point to different assets.

Dev Environment and Documentation

Trader Joe has included dev documentation and/or instructions to help in reviewing code and exploring for bugs:

Impacts to other assets

Hackers are encouraged to submit issues outside of the outlined Impacts and Assets in Scope.

If whitehats can demonstrate a critical impact on code in production for an asset not in scope, Trader Joe encourages you to submit your bug report using the “primacy of impact exception” asset.

Impacts in Scope

(For Blockchain/DLT and Smart Contracts Only) This program is considered to be governed by Primacy of Impact. For more information on what this means visit: Best Practice - Primacy of Impact vs Primacy of Rules.

Impacts are based on the Immunefi Vulnerability Severity Classification System V2.2.

At Immunefi, we classify bugs on a simplified 5-level scale:

  • Critical
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low
  • None