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Wombat Exchange

The Wombat Team has created an algorithm that redefines the stable swap experience, bringing greater capital efficiency to fuel DeFi growth and adoption.

Crosschain Liquidity
Maximum Bounty
Live Since
11 May 2022
Last Updated
08 April 2024
  • PoC required

  • KYC required

Resources & Documentation

All smart contracts of Wombat Exchange can be found at https://github.com/wombat-exchange/v1-core. However, only those in the Assets in Scope table are considered as in-scope of the bug bounty program.

If a Critical or High severity impact can be caused to any other asset managed by Wombat Exchange that isn’t on this table but for which the impact is in the Impacts in Scope section below, you are encouraged to submit it for the consideration by the project.