Compound Finance
Compound is a protocol on the Ethereum blockchain that establishes money markets, which are pools of assets with algorithmically derived interest rates, based on the supply and demand for the asset. Suppliers (and borrowers) of an asset interact directly with the protocol, earning (and paying) a floating interest rate, without having to negotiate terms such as maturity, interest rate, or collateral with a peer or counterparty.
Triaged by Immunefi
PoC required
KYC required
Vulnerabilities caused by the effective changes made by the pull request listed in this table are considered as within scope of the bug bounty program, in addition to bugs in the changes themselves.
Vulnerabilities affecting any testnet components are not considered in-scope for this bug bounty program. Only mainnet components are considered as in-scope.
For reference, further details about these changes can be found here - https://www.comp.xyz/t/safety-and-gas-patches/1723
Terms and Conditions
To be eligible for bug bounty reward consideration, you must:
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- Be reporting in an individual capacity, or if employed by a company, reporting with the company’s written approval to submit a disclosure to Compound Labs.
- Not be subject to US sanctions or reside in a US-embargoed country.
- Not be a current or former Compound Labs employee, vendor, contractor, or employee of a Compound vendor or contractor.