

Tokemak is a decentralized liquidity providing/market making protocol designed to create efficient, sustainable liquidity across DeFi.

Crosschain Liquidity
Liquid Staking
Yield Aggregator
Maximum Bounty
Live Since
24 August 2021
Last Updated
08 April 2024
  • PoC required

Resources & Documentation

However, only those in the table are considered as in-scope of the bug bounty program.

All following known issues, as well as those in past audit reports, are considered out-of-scope of this bug bounty program:

  • Centralized backend entity
  • For loop not capped, can have excessive gas consumption
  • Different Solidity versions
  • ERC20 allowance double spend exploit
  • Unsafe cycle durations
  • Possibility of sandwich attacks during liquidity deployments
  • Schedule.setup check in the Staking contract always passes it

If an impact can be caused to any other asset managed by Tokemak that isn’t on this table but for which the impact is in the Impacts in Scope section below, you are encouraged to submit it for the consideration by the project. This only applies to Critical impacts.

For further reference, the relevant GitHub can be found at However, only those in the Assets in Scope table are considered as in-scope of the bug bounty program.