

The expansion pack for DAOs, Zodiac is a collection of tools built according to an open standard. The Zodiac open standard enables DAOs to act more like constellations, connecting protocols, platforms, and chains, no longer confined to monolithic designs.

Maximum Bounty
Live Since
25 March 2022
Last Updated
08 April 2024
  • PoC required

  • KYC required

Resources & Documentation

This bounty covers the following contracts listed in the constants.ts file in the Zodiac repo, deployed to any network with an officially supported deployment of the Gnosis Safe.

  • REALITY_ETH: 0x72d453a685c27580acDFcF495830EB16B7E165f8
  • REALITY_ERC20: 0x6f628F0c3A3Ff75c39CF310901f10d79692Ed889
  • BRIDGE: 0x457042756F2B1056487173003D27f37644C119f3
  • DELAY: 0xeD2323128055cE9539c6C99e5d7EBF4CA44A2485
  • FACTORY: 0x00000000000DC7F163742Eb4aBEf650037b1f588
  • EXIT_ERC20: 0x33bCa41bda8A3983afbAd8fc8936Ce2Fb29121da
  • EXIT_ERC721: 0xD3579C14a4181EfC3DF35C3103D20823A8C8d718
  • SCOPE_GUARD: 0xfDc921764b88A889F9BFa5Ba874f77607a63b832
  • CIRCULATING_SUPPLY_ERC20: 0xb50fab2e2892E3323A5300870C042B428B564FE3
  • CIRCULATING_SUPPLY_ERC721: 0x71530ec830CBE363bab28F4EC52964a550C0AB1E
  • ROLES: 0x85388a8cd772b19a468F982Dc264C238856939C9

All smart contracts of Zodiac can be found at https://github.com/gnosis/zodiac. However, only those in the Assets in Scope table are considered as in-scope of the bug bounty program.